Our institution largely depends on donations and support from the greater Washington community as it plays a vital role in our community and yet is entirely operated by volunteers who are dedicated to ensuring a safe, pleasant and meaningful experience for all users.
With your support, we can ensure that our Mikvah remains a place of utmost sanctity and comfort. Your donation will be used to maintain the facilities, enhance the ambience, and provide for the necessary supplies and upkeep.
By giving to our Mikvah, you are not only supporting a vital mitzvah, but also fostering a vibrant and connected community.
Please consider making a donation today. Your generosity will be greatly appreciated by all those who benefit from the services provided by our Mikvah.
Thank you for your consideration and support.
Donate now (or pay dues) securely via credit card, PayPal or contributions can be mailed. WMO: 1305 Ballard Street, Silver Spring, MD 20910.
If you use PayPal, a new window will open with a secure external link. When your payment is complete, simply close the window. Donors do not need a PayPal account to donate.
Woodside Mikvah Organization (WMO) has 501(c)(3) tax exempt status.